“Confidence”; My eyes are fixed upon You”


“Confidence” My eyes are fixed upon you

This piece is 36 x 36 on canvas using acrylic paints.  The following is the list of animals eyes used in this contemporary “study”

  1. Zebra 2. Lion 3. Elephant 4. Horse 5. Crcodile 6. Rhino 7. Gazelle  8.Donkey 9. Cheetah

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This piece is a depiction of a contemporary eye study of sorts that led to a deeper understanding of all creators looking to heaven for there sustenance.

Oh from heaven came the call

come feast one

come feast all

From My extravagant beauty

proportioned and served

My illustrious acts


not in the absurd

But in qualified precision

a hopeful reward

from the crocodile to the smallest bird

Providing their necessity, from the greatest to the least

All eyes look to ME

come feast

come feast



Additional information

Weight 7 kg
Dimensions 36 × 1.5 × 36 cm